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Mint is an inclusive community designed to be a catalyst for the future of crypto. As a platform and focal point for exchanging ideas, engaging conversations, and sharing learning experiences, it is vital that all feel safe and welcome.
Mint will not tolerate any abusive behavior of others, inappropriate, illegal, or disruptive to the larger goal.
Mint defines “inappropriate behavior” as:
This policy extends through the use of the Mint App and social media channels.
Mint may, in its discretion, take action to address any individual(s) or group(s) it believes fail to meet the standards outlined in this Code of Conduct, including, without limitation, revoking the violating parties’ registration without refund.
Mint expects all attendees of our events to follow public health guidelines related to safety, hygiene, and COVID-19, including, without limitation, social distancing, hand washing, staying home if you are sick, and other disease prevention measures.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with if you believe you’ve observed or experienced a violation of this Code of Conduct. Notifying Mint does not constitute or replace a notification to local law enforcement where applicable.
All suspected violations of the law should be reported to local law enforcement.